I've found it useful in the past to keep a close eye on build times because it can be easy to introduce code over time that drives the build time up. By the time you notice that this is becoming a pain point, it's very difficult to track down the offending pieces of code to resolve the issue.
This site is styled using the wonderful Terminal CSS which has multiple components included. One feature of Javascript frameworks that I like is this concept of components.
Just a quick post about a book I got for Christmas called Practical Object-Orientated Design In Ruby. I've only just read the first chapter but already I'm seeing ways I could have improved the Blackjack game that I wrote in OO style.
I have been introduced to a code documentation specification called TomDoc that at it's most descriptive looks like this:
# Public: Duplicate some text an arbitrary number of times.
# text - The String to be duplicated.
# count - The Integer number of times to duplicate the text.
# Examples
# multiplex('Tom', 4)
# # => 'TomTomTomTom'
# Returns the duplicated String.
def multiplex(text, count)
text * count