This weeks post is going to be more of a reference guide for some of the important steps in creating a Rails application that I have come across in the first week of the Rails course. There's a heck of a lot to take in and this will be a handy point of reference for me.
Well, that's it I've finished week four and also the first Tealeaf Academy course. It has been a massive learning curve but I've got my first web application up and running called Blackjack World. Check it out and have a play!
I'm just coming to the end of week three of the Introduction To Ruby and Web Development course by Tealeaf Academy
It has been a pretty intense time so far and I've built tic tac toe, rock paper scissors and blackjack games in both procedural and object orientated code.
On top of learing Ruby (which is a fantastic language to write in!), I've been getting used to GitHub and now I'm a bit more comfortable at things like setting up new branches and merging them. I've also just setup this blog on GitHub pages using the Jekyll blogging platform. Hope you like it!